Give Chris Carter A Pro A Team And Let Him Work Magic As He Tries To Help A Fourth Team With Medipolis Jena Reach The EasyCredit BBL

Chris Carter (193-G-1992, college: Florida Tech) is a 32 year old 193cm guard that recently finished his ninth professional season overseas and eight in Germany and fourth year with the Rostock SeaWolves averaging 3/2/2. He began his basketball career at the Air Force academy. He then played at Air Force (NCAA) and Florida Institute of Technology (NCAA2). He began his basketball career in the Ukraine and then played in Germany with the Niners Chemnitz and Rasta Vechta. He helped all 3 German teams that he played with move up a league. He has played 300 + pro games and 97 easyCredit BBL games. After 4 years in Rostock, he will play the 24-25 seasons with Pro A team Mediplois Jena.

Thanks Chris for talking to Where are you at the moment and how is basketball life treating you?

I just got to America (Chicago), and basketball life is treating me good. I can’t complain

How are you spending your summer this year? Do you split time between Germany and the States?

Yes I did some traveling in Europe and now America.

After 4 great and successful seasons in Rostock, your time has come to an end. I always thought you would close out your career there. Why did your journey with the Seawolves end?

I just wanted a fresh start with my family and have a chance to bring more basketball light to the city of Jena. A great opportunity.

The Seawolves made strides every year and you were part of that. How special is the Rostock Seawolves organization?

Very special and I am proud to have been a part of this organization for 4 years.

The 2023-2024 season in terms of results wasn´t as good as the season before. The club made club history playing Fiba Europe Cup. What was your summary of the season?

It was a roller coaster ride! Was some very good highs and some very big lows as well. We could not really stay healthy all season but still glad we stayed in the league.

What do you feel did the organization learn from this last season that will help it be productive looking ahead to this season.

Well, experience is the best lesson. Now the organization knows what to do and what not to do moving forward.

Two vital players from the last 2 years were Tyler Nelson and Derrick Alston. What will you remember most from them that will always come up in the future when you hear their names?

They were big time play makers and always wanted that responsibility late game situations.

You played under head coach Christian Held. How much credit does he get for the incredible rise of the organization from the pro A to easyCredit BBL?

He deserves a good amount of credit because making it from second to first league is not easy.

You played 8 Fiba Europe Cup games. What kind of an experience was it for you personally to play international club basketball? What did you savor most out of the experience?

It was a great experience to get that exposure from teams in other leagues and to see different play styles. The traveling was fun too.

You averaged double as many minutes as last season and averaged 3/2/2 stats. How would you summarize how your personal season went?

I was there when my team needed me.

Being a leader and mentor for younger players is something you did in Rostock. How do you feel did you grow as a player and person being able to be a part of the SeaWolves organization?

I believe I matured as a player and was always professional.

You experienced so many incredible things in 4 years Rostock. What was your absolute favorite moment? Possibly the Tyler Nelson buzzer beater?

Moving up was the best feeling because that was a good group of guys.

You have taken on a new challenge with Pro A team Medipolis Jena. Is the challenge of helping a fourth team move up to the BBL so great that you had to take this job?

No I don’t have to prove anything but I am ready for the new challenge especially playing as a German. It would be incredible to move up for a fourth time and has never been done before but I just want to lead my team the right way and see what happens at the end.

Not many guys have helped 3 teams move up to the easyCredit BBL. How big is your desire to do it again? Does it increase in age simply knowing you won´t have too many more chances?

Yes, the desire is high and I know that I am blessed to be in a select group who has done this before and I don’t take it for granted.

How excited are you to be working with top coach Bjoern Harmsen? He has a knack of bringing success to teams. Could he be that last coach that will help you make the next step soon to go into the coaching ranks?

I think coach Harmsen is well respected and a coach that can definitely help me take my game to the next level. As far as coaching, I will cross that line whenI get there but for now I am focused on performing at my highest level.

Could the Boston Celtics start a NBA dynasty in the next years or do they need more than Taytum and Brown?

Yes anything is possible!

Thanks Chris for the chat.

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