No More Fairytale Talk As Jessi Ani And PS Karlsruhe Want To Seal The Pro A Title In Frankfurt

Jesse Ani (191-G-2002) is a 22 year old 191cm guard playing with PS Karlsruhe. He has had previous experience with FC Bayern Munich 2 and 2 seasons ago played with the Sunkings Saarlouis (Regionalliga) averaging 13.9ppg, 8.0rpg, 2.2apg, 1.1spg, FGP: 52.1%, 3PT: 38.7%, FT: 54.8%. Last season he played with ASC 46 Goettingen (Regionalliga) averaging 6.9ppg, 2.1rpg, FGP: 52.0%, 3PT: 21.7%, FT: 63.6% and also played 4 easyCredit BBL games. He spoke to before the Pro A final in Frankfurt against the Fraport Skyliners.

Thanks Jesse for talking to One win away from winning the Pro A title. PS Karlsruhe had so many big wins this season, but where does yesterday´s win rate this season?

Yes I would say so. We don´t want to be called a fairytale anymore. We worked hard all season long. The win yesterday was a big statement for us. We aren´t here to play but to win.

I always said that PS Karlsruhe would be an annoying opponent for Frankfurt in the quarterfinals and now your in the final. How crazy is that?

It really is crazy. You would think that top teams like Trier or Giessen would be here. The 2 best defensive teams are in the final. It shows that defense wins championships.

I guess any-day you hit 18 three´s as a team you will have a very good chance to win. Did the team do anything extra wise shooting the days before?

Nothing was different. We had our regular practices like we have had this whole season. We got up a lot of shots as usual. I just think it has to do with our regular preparation. Our intensity never goes down. I think everybody feels like we have to rely on our three´s but we don´t. We can drive and get to the free throw line just as well. I think that we just had a very good shooting day.

The Fraport Skyliners did a good job withstanding your runs and coming back, but in the end PS Karlsruhe had no real offensive let downs. How big was the 11-0 run to begin the fourth quarter. What did coach Aleksandar Scepanovic tell the team to do?

Coach does a great job keeping us level headed. We as a whole are an unexperienced team. He always had the right words and key are the small details. I also have to give props to Zeeb and Williams who fueled our run.

PS Karlsruhe defended very well against Frankfurt. You did allow 10 three´s but what do you feel was the biggest defensive strength in the win at home?

I think that the hustle plays were big. Von Warden got charges and Joostman was diving all over the court. Plays like that woke us up. We may not be the biggest team, but we use our quickness and energy to help us.

I said in the Skyliners Podcast a few days ago that Frankfurt has to limit Victor Bailey Jr better. They couldn´t letting him score 23 points. How vital is his game for the success of the team?

He was so huge for us. You always have to watch out for him. He is an incredible player and was a great signing for us. He improved our chemistry and is such a special player for us on offense and defense. He always makes something happen for us. He has been such a help to us.

PS Karlsruhe is in the drivers seat. How confident are you that you will hoist the Pro A title tomorrow?

Coach keeps us humble. We don´t see ourselves in the drivers seat. We see it as a game to win. We want to prove a statement. We know that Frankfurt will come out hard, but we will be ready.

The Fraport Skyliners have to win on Sunday by 15 points or more. What will be the game plan going into Sunday?

We treat this game as a new final 0-0. We looked back at game 1 and we know we did mistakes, but we were able to cover it with our energy. We have to be even more focused in Frankfurt and have to be a lot better getting defensive rebounds. Frankfurt got 19 offensive rebounds which is way too much. We have to stick together.

How important has head coach Alexsandar Scepanovic been? How much credit does he get for the success of team?

He is so humble and with all the criticism he has gotten with his coaching style and intensity, he always stuck to his philosophy. We were ranked at 14 in pre season and were 7th after the regular season and still there were doubters. Well look at us now. He always kept his head down and stuck with us in good and bad times.

I joked with Garai Zeeb after game 4 in Frankfurt vs Trier that PS Karlsruhe doesn´t even need him as his injury has limited him in the last weeks. What has been the secret to performing so well without him?

People always only look at what happens in the games. But Garai has been with us all the time. When he was injured, he was at all our practices and always gave advice. He was always there to help keep the energy and intensity up. He is like a ticking time bomb. He is a great player.

How exciting has it been seeing the rise of Bakary Dibba? He is like you in that a few years ago he was balling in the Regionalliga. How much potential does he have?

Sky is the limit for him. He has had a great season but still continues to hear voices against him. Through all the criticism and praise he has received this season, he always stayed level headed. He never changes and is a great teammate. He crashes at the rim with his head and heart. He is very coachable and a great role model.

Michael Flowers has had a MVP like season but what about O Showen Williams? How important has he been for the team?

He has been amazing. He missed some games early and there was doubt about if he could get the job done. But as soon as he found his rhythm, he set the tone on offense and defense. He is a great defender and moves his feet so well and defends quick guards well. He is a great leader.

Where would the team be without the junkyard dog Dennis Tunstall? Is he a player that every team would love to have?

Yes every team would love to have him. He does so much not seen on the stat sheet like defending screens or defending above the rim. He is so athletic and runs the floor so well. He also never complains if he scores 0 or 20 points. He just does his job every day. He is such a reliable player and gets our full trust.

You have averaged 5/3 stats this season. How content have you been with your game?

I have had my ups and downs. I was happy to win best youngster in December. I had a set back with the injury and a shooting slump, but it´s part of the job. This season has been a great learning experience for me. I have been able to see how I can adapt in a system and what I have to do to get to the next level.

You have BBL experience but played mostly Regionalliga the last 2 seasons. Do you feel like your off the radar in basketball Germany?

I think that I´m a bit off the radar, but that´s no problem for me. I think that hard work will eventually pay off. I have seen it with Dibba. So many teams are talking about him now. He put in the work while being under the radar and now his time has come and is shining.

You have had less minutes in the playoffs and missed the Trier series. How tough have injuries been for you this season?

It has been tough. I broke my hand against Jena. I was supposed to be out for the season, but I fought hard in my come back. 6 weeks was a long time. I was playing good minutes and with a team with great teammates. I missed playing. I am back now and feel good. When a team is playing well, it is hard to come back. At the moment coach likes the flow of the team. My minutes are down, but I´m a team player and accept it.

Who will win the NBA final between Boston and Dallas?

I will go with Dallas. Kyrie looks amazing and Luka can turn it up anytime. Tatum can be great, but also shaky.

Thanks Jesse for the chat.

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